My thought here is that this was failing due to mutating the underlying data, as simply spreading state to make a copy only made a shallow 1-layer deep copy, so the delete command was trying to directly mutate data in the store (because queries.queriesById is only a pointer at this point, not a copied value) - _.omit() returns a brand new object without mutating, and this is generally regarded as best practice. I fixed that by bringing in lodash.omit and just omitting that key instead. In this PR I also made the selectedQuery value get passed into the actions - my initial plan for implementation was going to have me updating only changed parts, but decided it was easier to just store an entire snapshot of the queries object from the store.ĭuring this PR I somehow introduced a bug in the REMOVE_QUERY reducer, at the line where the removed query was being deleted from the queriesById object.
~~I think I'm going to just default to tab 1 on every load, because if tab 1 is the initial tab it works fine.~~ Fixed it - See below I don't know why, but if I can't figure that out.~~ A simple and lightweight SQL client desktop/terminal with cross database and platform support. ~~Right now I have an odd bug in that if your last selected tab was any besides the first, and you log out then back in and select tab 1, it won't pop in the text for tab 1 until you click the editor pane. When selecting a server, upon successful connection I'm retrieving the stored data and dispatching an action to put it in the store if a stored query list exists. I'm persisting store.queries by serverId in the sqlectron.json file on every action that updates queries, debounced by 500ms. ~~Currently in progress but looking for feedback - Mostly done, just need to thoroughly test it.~~ Finished (/home/grelek/downloads/sqlectron-gui-1.8.0/node_modules/electron-builder/src/build-cli.ts:47:2)Īt Object.Module._extensions.js (module.js:550:10)Īt Function.Module._load (module.js:407:3)Īt (module.js:575:10)Īlso, here's Gist of the npm-debug.log file. (/home/grelek/downloads/sqlectron-gui-1.8.0/node_modules/electron-builder/src/platformPackager.ts:245:13)Īt processImmediate (timers.js:523:5)Īt tsAwaiter (/home/grelek/downloads/sqlectron-gui-1.8.0/node_modules/electron-builder/src/awaiter.ts:10:47)Īt (/home/grelek/downloads/sqlectron-gui-1.8.0/node_modules/electron-builder/src/builder.ts:30:59)Īt Object. Seems like a wrong configuration.Īt LinuxPackager.
out/browser/main.js could not be found in package. The installation worked fine, but the build command fails with following message: Error: Application entry file. I tried to build sqlelectron 1.8 from source on Arch Linux and the build command fails.